Monday, January 2, 2012

Girl looking for Boy. Wishing he is happy well adjusted mother loving and gainfully employed. Will be happy if he is just a Boy. 














About her & Who she's looking for

I am a transplant. Just moved to the Philly area after 18 years in Los Angeles. So please be gentle.
I am a fashion victim with no foe, own a store that sells no clothes, and write for an audience of none. My life is merely existential.

I love games - Backgammon, Candyland, Chutes and Ladders, Connect Four, Monopoly, Scrabble, Sorry, Yahtzee, Old Maid, Hearts, Rummy, but most of all I'm addicted to Brickbreaker on my Blackberry (update10/7/11 @ 10:08am: my new Blackberry has Tetris; I was wildly addicted when I was 14 and it's just as bad now. Sorry Brickbreaker). Okay, and Texas Hold 'Em too.

I can't stay in one place for very long. I am constantly traveling. Whether it be Tokyo or London, Mainland China or Marfa, Texas; everyplace I go gives me a thrill.

Fashion is one of my biggest passions and discovering new designers is one of the things that gives me the greatest satisfaction in life. Continuing to work with these young designers to grow their brands is an added bonus.

I am an avid trend watcher and love to sit and watch the world go by in order to see where it is going and how far and how fast. I often wonder which way it is turning, left or right; and how long it would take to reach from the depths of the ocean to the farthest star were Copernicus to find a piece of sand on his favorite mermaid and send it on a butterfly to the moon.

Finally, if I've been in town for too long, I'll take a weekend to splurge and escape my house by going to a local hotel in order to indulge in room service, pay-per-view, and the little chocolates they put on your pillow at night.

Enough about me, what about you? Are you looking for a partner in crime? Do you want to wine and dine? Or will you ask me something like "shall we dance," or "hey give me a chance?"

Don't bother. I've heard it all before. I don't want to walk on the beach at sunset. I don't want to go hiking with you. I don't "love to travel," (even though I really do love to travel, I don't love it in the cliche way.) And don't wink at me. What, am I supposed to take on the burden of writing you back because you were lazy enough to wink?

Here's what I want:

I want a guy who'll go out on a limb like one of those over romanticized under dog bad boys adored in most of your hit Hollywood movies but never quite embraced as such in real life. That or just a boy.
Sports and exercise:
I Don't
Exercise habits:
I have Dogs
I have two miniature pinchers. They are big dogs in little bodies. They sleep most of the day except when it's time for dinner.... then they run around the house barking. Oh, and they fight opossums. It's rather gross. 
Political views:
Some other viewpoint
Pomona College, Claremont, CA 
For Fun:
Hmmmm.... Who has free time? I like to take naps and baths. 
Favorite Hot Spots:
Tokyo. Period. * This section has always read this way. But in light of the recent tragedy, I'd like to share my sorrow. Japan is a very special place and the people are amazing. They deserve better than this disaster, and I hope it passes soon. 
Favorite Things:
Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens. Bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens. Brown paper packages tied up with string. These are a few of my favorite things. 
Last Read:

2. YOUPI AND THE GIRLS by Marcel Veronese
3. WEST WITH THE NIGHT by Beryl Markham
4. MIRROR OF VENUS by Wingate Paine (words by Francoise Sagan and Federico Fellini) 

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